Sunday, 29 March 2015

Don't eat what your soul dosen't accepts...

Day before yesterday, We were at the small cafe. I ordered the chicken sandwich there and one of my friend came who was pure vegetarian. I said to him don't eat it. But he put that sandwich in the mouth.
So I don't know why??
I'm not feeling guilty. I want to feel guilty.
I also didn't apologies to him.
May be I should do him.
But after this I will not have courage to face him. So Lord what should I do?
Loose my friendship forever or just be the kind of fake friends?
And I have dream today, at 08:26 p.m.(that's the time when I woke up).
I saw that I, my school friend, and one of my friend from my colony, we were drinking, and I saw that he was cooking chicken(Isn't that weird) or it is that only I'm making it weird to appear.
I don't know..
He said that he has not eaten non-veg for the past 20 years.. and due to me I ate it..
I don't know..
About my mind.. I think it's weird..
very weird.
~Thank you

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