Sunday, 29 March 2015

A friend...

Today is 29 October 2011, and I'm returning to my college, to the hostel, all these days spent like a flash of light, I slept most of the time of the day. It is so amazing when you are in home with the family members. Now the time is 9 PM. I met my friend in my hometown. 2 hours ago a man of age between 50 to 60 was on the berth beside me and he was reading the diary which have quotes in Hindi.. And the poems. It was interesting to find that he was having such interest in reading poems written by him only. Today at 1 PM I met my friend Abhishek.. He is a good friend of mine.. But I don't know why he didn't like to meet his friends. He said he didn't like to show up. He said he have nothing to talk about. I don't want him to be like that. He represses his thoughts. I just want him to comeback, to become as he was earlier. He would be the same person if he would have been with me. But that's not possible. What I wrote just now, makes no sense... It's not worth for reading. But I just need to write like that.... I never wanted to express my thoughts by writing... I just like to tell someone, but may be he is not interested in the conversation. I know, you will feel like this someday.. When you have so much to express and no one is near you to listen..

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